The object implementing the NumericTemplate trait for the float type.
This object represents the specific implementation of the family of traits defined by the NumericTemplate one. It then implements them all specifying that the generic numeric type that is specified in all of them is the Float one.
- Graph
- Supertypes
- Self type
Members list
Type members
The "terminal" float template, for which no more information can be specified for building a JsonFloatTemplate.
The "terminal" float template, for which no more information can be specified for building a JsonFloatTemplate.
This template represents the last stage in building a numeric template, meaning that no more constraints can be specified. The range for the value has already been specified as a minimum and maximum allowed values, either inclusive or exclusive.
- Constructor
creates a new instance of this class specifying the minimum and the maximum values, being scala.util.Lefts if they are inclusive, or scala.util.Rights if they are exclusive
- Supertypes
The "empty" float template, capable of matching any value of the float type.
The "empty" float template, capable of matching any value of the float type.
This is the starting template from which creating any other float template by specifying more and more constraints. Being so, it is allowed to add a minimum value, either inclusive or exclusive, or a maximum value, either inclusive or exclusive, to create a new template from this.
- Supertypes
trait EmptyNumericTemplate[Float, WithMinimumFloatTemplate, WithMaximumFloatTemplate, CompleteFloatTemplate]trait Templateclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The float template for which the maximum value, either inclusive or exclusive, has been specified.
The float template for which the maximum value, either inclusive or exclusive, has been specified.
This template represents one for float values where the maximum constraint, whether it be an inclusive or exclusive one, has been specified. Now, only a minimum constraint can be specified, closing the now half-open interval. This is not mandatory to do. This will produce a "complete" template for which no more constraints can be specified.
- Constructor
creates a new instance of this class specifying the maximum value, being a scala.util.Left if it inclusive, or a scala.util.Right if it is exclusive
- Supertypes
The float template for which the minimum value, either inclusive or exclusive, has been specified.
The float template for which the minimum value, either inclusive or exclusive, has been specified.
This template represents one for float values where the minimum constraint, whether it be an inclusive or exclusive one, has been specified. Now, only a maximum constraint can be specified, closing the now half-open interval. This is not mandatory to do. This will produce a "complete" template for which no more constraints can be specified.
- Constructor
creates a new instance of this class specifying the minimum value, being a scala.util.Left if it inclusive, or a scala.util.Right if it is exclusive
- Supertypes
Inherited classlikes
The "terminal" numeric template, for which no more information can be specified for building a JsonNumericTemplate.
The "terminal" numeric template, for which no more information can be specified for building a JsonNumericTemplate.
This template represents the last stage in building a numeric template, meaning that no more constraints can be specified. The range for the value has already been specified as a minimum and maximum allowed values, either inclusive or exclusive.
Type parameters
- A
the actual numeric type for which instantiating this type
- Constructor
creates a new instance of this trait given the already specified minimum and maximum values and the function that returns a new JsonNumericTemplate from this one
- Inherited from:
- NumericTemplate
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class CompleteDoubleTemplateclass CompleteFloatTemplate
The "empty" numeric template, capable of matching any value of the given numeric type.
The "empty" numeric template, capable of matching any value of the given numeric type.
This is the starting template from which creating any other numeric template by specifying more and more constraints. Being so, it is allowed to add a minimum value, either inclusive or exclusive, or a maximum value, either inclusive or exclusive, to create a new template from this.
Type parameters
- A
the actual numeric type for which instantiating this type
- B
the actual type of the template for which the minimum has been specified
- C
the actual type of the template for which the maximum has been specified
- D
the actual type of the template for which either the minimum and the maximum have been specified altogether
- Constructor
creates a new instance of this trait given the function that returns a new template given the minimum, the one that returns a new template given the maximum and the one that returns a new JsonNumericTemplate from this one
- Inherited from:
- NumericTemplate
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class EmptyDoubleTemplateclass EmptyFloatTemplate
The numeric template for which the maximum value, either inclusive or exclusive, has been specified.
The numeric template for which the maximum value, either inclusive or exclusive, has been specified.
This template represents one for numerical values where the maximum constraint, whether it be an inclusive or exclusive one, has been specified. Now, only a minimum constraint can be specified, closing the now half-open interval. This is not mandatory to do. This will produce a "complete" template for which no more constraints can be specified.
Type parameters
- A
the actual numeric type for which instantiating this type
- B
the actual type of the template for which either the minimum and the maximum have been specified altogether
- Constructor
creates a new instance of this trait given the already specified maximum value, the function that returns a new template given the minimum and the maximum and the one that returns a new JsonNumericTemplate from this one
- Inherited from:
- NumericTemplate
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class WithMaximumFloatTemplate
The numeric template for which the minimum value, either inclusive or exclusive, has been specified.
The numeric template for which the minimum value, either inclusive or exclusive, has been specified.
This template represents one for numerical values where the minimum constraint, whether it be an inclusive or exclusive one, has been specified. Now, only a maximum constraint can be specified, closing the now half-open interval. This is not mandatory to do. This will produce a "complete" template for which no more constraints can be specified.
Type parameters
- A
the actual numeric type for which instantiating this type
- B
the actual type of the template for which either the minimum and the maximum have been specified altogether
- Constructor
creates a new instance of this trait given the already specified minimum value, the function that returns a new template given the minimum and the maximum and the one that returns a new JsonNumericTemplate from this one
- Inherited from:
- NumericTemplate
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
class WithMinimumFloatTemplate