trait Template
A DSL template, representing a basic building block for the specification of a JsonTemplate.
The DSL template differs from the JsonTemplate in the fact that it must only retain all information needed to convert it to a JsonTemplate, it is to be used as a skeleton to build specifications and not for actual matching. Being so, it must provide all it is needed to convert it to a JsonTemplate.
- Graph
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
trait CompleteNumericTemplate[A]class CompleteDoubleTemplateclass CompleteFloatTemplateclass EmptyDoubleTemplateclass EmptyFloatTemplateclass WithMaximumFloatTemplateclass WithMinimumFloatTemplatetrait CompleteIntegralTemplate[A]class CompleteIntTemplateclass CompleteLongTemplateclass EmptyIntTemplateclass EmptyLongTemplateclass WithMaximumIntTemplateclass WithMaximumLongTemplateclass WithMinimumIntTemplateclass WithMinimumLongTemplateclass WithMultipleIntTemplateclass WithMultipleLongTemplateclass CompleteStringTemplateclass EmptyStringTemplate
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