



package cakelier

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Remote extends AnyRef

    A remote location, a server the user has access to through a SSH connection.

    A remote location, a server the user has access to through a SSH connection.

    This entity represents a remote location accessible through SSH, which allows to execute commands on it. The standard output and the standard error of these commands can be either the same of the terminal in which the command was launched or other ones, redirecting both standard error and output to defined by the user. Instances of this trait must be constructed through its companion object.

  2. trait RemoteConfiguration extends AnyRef

    A configuration for accessing a remote location.

    A configuration for accessing a remote location.

    This entity represents the configuration parameters which are needed for accessing a remote location, a remote server, through SSH. The hostname and the username to be used are required, while the port is not needed, defaulting to the one used for SSH, which is the port 22. Other data can be specified, such as: the password for the user, if a password-based authentication must be performed, the java.nio.file.Path to the file containing the private key, if a public key-based authentication is required. Moreover, a passphrase can be specified for the private key, if it has been encrypted. If both the password and the java.nio.file.Path to the private key were specified, the last one takes precedence and the first one is ignored. If neither is specified, an empty password will be supplied. Last, a fingerprint can be specified for verifying the identity of the remote location to which connecting and fail if not corresponding. By default, the connection to the remote is established only if the identity can be verified, but this feature can be turned off.

    Instances of this trait must be constructed through its companion object.

  3. trait Result extends AnyRef

    The result of a command executed on a Remote.

    The result of a command executed on a Remote.

    This entity represents the result of the computation that is carried on by a command which execution is issued on a remote location. Being this last one a command launched in a shell, its result is composed by an exit code and an error message, and this last one is present only if the exit code means that the execution failed. Because the command is run remotely, its execution can fail before it can return an exit code or an error message, due to a network partition. Instances of this trait must be constructed through its companion object.

Value Members

  1. object RemoteDeployPlugin extends AutoPlugin

    The SBT plugin, the main entrypoint to this project.

    The SBT plugin, the main entrypoint to this project.

    This object represents the SBT plugin, containing its keys to be used in a build file, the DSL to specify a configuration through code, and the steps taken by the plugin before executing its proper behavior, like parsing and validating the configurations.